
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2018

Teknik Penerjemahan Indonesia English Translation

Teknik penerjemahan ialah cara yang digunakan untuk mengalihkan pesan dari BSu ke BSa, diterapkan pada tataran kata, frasa, klausa maupun kalimat. Menurut Molina dan Albir (2002), teknik penerjemahan memiliki lima karakteristik: Teknik penerjemahan mempengaruhi hasil terjemahan. Teknik diklasifikasikan dengan perbandingan pada teks BSu. Teknik berada tataran mikro. Teknik tidak saling berkaitan tetapi berdasarkan konteks tertentu. Teknik bersifat fungsional. Setiap pakar memiliki istilah tersendiri dalam menentukan suatu teknik penerjemahan, sehingga cenderung tumpang tindih antara teknik dari seorang pakar satu dengan yang lainnya. Teknik yang dimaksud sama namun memiliki istilah yang berbeda. Dalam hal keberagaman tentunya hal ini bersifat positif, namun di sisi lain terkait penelitian akan menimbulkan kesulitan dalam menentukan istilah suatu teknik tertentu. Oleh karena itu, dalam hal ini penulis menggunakan 18 teknik penerjemahan yang dikemukakan oleh Molina dan Albir. Selain

Management Course

Green Leaves English Course A Paper Presented to Fulfill The Requirement of The Group Assignment  Lecturer :  Trifita Anggraini, M. Pd Presented by Second Group: Bayu Putra Utama Eva Nurul Fadilah Vinna Naralita CLASS :  F ENGLISH DEPARTMENT TARBIYAH AND TEACHING TRAINING FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (IAIN) OF METRO 2018 DISCUSSION A. History of The Green Leaves English Center (GLEC) Green Leaves English Center (GLEC) is a place to learn English with integrated learning methods that combine vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, writing in a learning package.Green Leaves English Center (GLEC) was established on April 22, 2007. Green Leaves English Center (GLEC) is private place to learn English that very simple. There are 8 students in the class, so the students can be focus.With not too many students, teachers can help students more easily. Then, the purpose of Green Leaves English Center (GLEC) is qualit

Makalah Derivation Semantics

CHAPTER I DISCUSSION A. Definition of Derivation According to Bauer and Katamba, derivation deals with new lexeme formation through affixation the word. Based on Haspelmath and Sims, derivation formation change the word-class of the base. Therefore, that the process of derivation is either changing the meaning. Derivation acts to change the semantic meaning of a root or the class of the base to which they are attached or changing the word-class that a base belongs to. The changing of word-class can be noun to verb, verb to noun or adjective to noun. Derivation is addition of an affix. Affix is the tool of word formation in derivational process. Affix is a bound grammatical unit which is not categorized as a word, but it can attach to other units to form a word or a new word. Derivation is the process of forming new word on the basis of an existing word. It often involves the addition of morpheme in the form of preffix or suffix. Derivation stands in contrast to the process of i